Special conditions
Minimum length of stay :
2 nights (3 nights in high season) for guest rooms
7 nights for privatized home
Any stay begun is due in full.
Reservations are confirmed upon receipt of a 33% deposit.
except for a 2-night stay (50% deposit)
Cancellation policy guest rooms :
Cancellation free of charge up to D-30 before arrival.
50% charge for cancellations between D-29 and D-15.
From D-14, 100% of the reservation is due.
Cancellation policy for privatized home :
Deposits are non-refundable, regardless of the cancellation period.
From D-30: 100% of the reservation is due.
General terms and conditions
The general sales conditions are communicated during the online booking process via our service provider Elloha.
Payment methods
Credit card
Bank transfer
Opening hours
Bed and breakfast :
Reception from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm
Departure before 11am
Breakfast from 8.30am to 10.30am
Weekly rental :
Welcome at 6 pm – Departure at 10 am
Direct booking
for the best rates, click here!
Don’t forget to choose your options
1 extra person: 35€/ night (only in room Three)
Baby cot : 10€ (room Two or Three)
Long stay
Contact us for conditions and rates
Please note
No smoking, except in the garden.
Rooms not suitable for people with reduced mobility.
Our kitty Agata does not accept pets.
Privacy policy
Your personal data is for our exclusive use and for the objective of being able to contact you for any need related to your stay.
If you wish to have your personal data deleted at the end of your stay, please send us a written request (e-mail or post).
La Buissonnière
Florence AUBRAY
25 rue des Écoles – Oppède le Vieux
84580 Oppède
Tel: +33 (0)4 90 04 67 32
Mob: +33 (0)6 71 02 44 96